
Florissant, Missouri

Section 205.055 Tethering For Prolonged Periods Prohibited.

A. It shall be unlawful for any owner or other person controlling or possessing any animal to:

1. Leave an animal tethered, chained, tied, fastened or otherwise tethered to dog houses, trees, stakes, poles, fences, walls or any other stationary objects outdoors or indoors as a means of confinement for more than two (2) consecutive hours in any twenty-four (24) hour period.

2. Tether an animal except by means of a properly fitting harness or collar of nylon or leather construction and a tether in proportion to the size of the animal. The tether must be at least fifteen (15) feet in length with a swivel at both ends.

3. Tether an animal outdoors under conditions where the animal or tether can become entangled on the tether, another animal, or some other object or where the tether can restrict the animal’s access to suitable, edible, and sufficient food, clean water (cool in summer and unfrozen in winter), and appropriate shelter.

4. Tether an animal outdoors in unsafe or unsanitary conditions or when said tether does not allow the animal to defecate or urinate in an area separate from the areas where it must eat, drink or lie down.

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