Cropifornia Dreamin’? PETA Says It’s Time for Cal Expo to Give State Fair a Vegan Makeover

For Immediate Release:
June 26, 2024

Reed Bolonyi 202-483-7382

Sacramento, Calif.

With the California State Fair fast approaching, PETA sent a letter today to California Exposition & state fair CEO Tom Martinez with an unbeetable idea: Make it vegan! PETA points out that a Cropifornia state fair, complete with a radish-rolling race and a cauliflower-carving contest, would be a humane and truly sustainable way—given meat and dairy’s contribution to the climate catastrophe—to celebrate the Golden State’s status as the nation’s top vegetable producer. To help the event turn over a new leaf, PETA stands ready to help by covering the cost of new signage.

“Instead of giving a free ride to environmentally devastating animal agriculture, the new Cropifornia state fair would pin the blue ribbon on the state’s hardworking plant farmers,” says PETA President Ingrid Newkirk, a vegan for over 45 years. “PETA is encouraging Cal Expo to reimagine the state fair as a healthy, humane, and environmentally conscious vegan celebration and show the world that compassion and sustainability are always in season in California.”

PETA notes that animal agriculture is a leading cause of water pollution and land degradation, and the United Nations reports that a global shift toward vegan eating is vital in order to combat the worst effects of the climate catastrophe. Each person who goes vegan lowers their food-related carbon footprint by up to 73% and spares nearly 200 animals every year. PETA’s free vegan starter kit can help those looking to make the switch.

PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to eat”—points out thatEvery Animal Is Someone and offers free Empathy Kits for people who need a lesson in kindness. For more information, please visit or follow the group on X, Facebook, or Instagram.

PETA’s letter to Martinez follows.

June 26, 2024

Tom Martinez, CEO

California Exposition & State Fair

Dear Mr. Martinez:

Greetings! I’m writing on behalf of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals—PETA entities have more than 9 million members and supporters globally, including hundreds of thousands in California—with an unbeanlievably great suggestion: Would you peas consider reimagining the California State Fair as the Cropifornia State Fair and making the event entirely vegan? Before you turnip your nose at the idea, allow me to elaborate.

We all know that raising and slaughtering billions of pigs, cows, chickens, and sheep for their body parts is cruel and environmentally devastating. Rather than reducing thinking, feeling animals to mere objects via “livestock” competitions and flesh-eating contests (also known as “corn dog eating contests”), the Cropifornia State Fair would celebrate Cali’s status as the top veggie-producing state while paving the way for a future in which every festival and feast celebrates eco-friendly, cruelty-free living. By making the event vegan, you’d be showing the world that California is more than just the land of sunshine and surf—it’s a place where compassion and sustainability thrive.

We know this is a big ask, so lettuce embark on this unchardered journey together! PETA stands ready to assist by covering the cost of new signage, if you agree to make this event fully vegan. We’ve even mocked up a logo for you to use:

The Cropifornia State Fair would become the ultimate vegan haven, a place where tofutastic treats reign supreme and nourishing, kaleidoscopic meals steal the spotlight. This event could include fun and unique activities that would really set it apart from other fairs, such as a radish-rolling race, a turnip the beet music competition that showcases local artists, and a cauliflower-carving contest.

We carrot wait to see the Cropifornia State Fair blossom into something truly magnificent—a celebration of all things green, glorious, and vegan. Thank you for your thyme and consideration.

Very truly yours,

Ingrid Newkirk


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