Pittsburgh Woman to Race 70.5 Miles to Honor PETA Founder’s Lifelong Work for Animal Rights

For Immediate Release:
June 5, 2024

David Perle 202-483-7382

Pittsburgh resident Maria Reviello is set to run the grueling 70.5-mile Laurel Highlands Ultra on Saturday in honor of PETA founder and President Ingrid Newkirk’s 75th birthday this month, paying tribute to her legacy and the group’s many landmark victories for animals. Reviello, a 29-year-old Pennsylvania State University alum who works in environmental services, will help raise money for PETA’s vital work, which includes rescuing animals from earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, war zones, and other emergencies or abusive situations; conducting groundbreaking undercover investigations; educating the public; and promoting understanding and kindness to animals. Reviello is available for interviews.

Credit: Maria Reviello

“I’ve never run a 70-mile race before, but Ingrid’s dedication to helping every animal gain respect and be treated as someone, not something, has inspired me to take on the challenge,” says Reviello. “With every stride, I’ll be honoring her remarkable accomplishments and helping PETA secure more victories for animals.”

Reviello went vegan over seven years ago after watching What the Health on Netflix—giving her a boost of energy that prompted her to start running. Last year, she ran the 50-mile Baker Trail UltraChallenge in honor of Lolita, the orca who died after spending more than five decades imprisoned by the Miami Seaquarium in the smallest orca tank in the world. Fueled by her empathy for Lolita and the many other dolphins and whales held captive at marine parks who are denied the opportunity to roam freely, Reviello finished fourth among all women in the race.

When she’s not hitting the trails, she spends her free time with her two cat companions, Sherman and Wendy, both of whom were rescued by PETA.

PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to abuse in any way”—points out thatEvery Animal Is Someone and offers free Empathy Kits for people who need a lesson in kindness. For more information, please visit PETA.org or follow the group on X, Facebook, or Instagram.

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