White Oak, Pennsylvania
(c) Tethering of Dogs; Prohibition of Keeping Dogs Outdoors in Extreme Temperatures.
(2) It shall be unlawful for any person to leave any dog outside and unattended during any period in which a severe weather warning has been issued for Allegheny County by the National Weather Service for a continuous period of time greater than one-half (1/2) hour if the temperature during such period remains entirely either:
A. Below thirty-five degrees Fahrenheit; or
B. Above ninety-two degrees Fahrenheit
C. Outside, for purposes of this section, means any unattended dog that is outside subjected to the weather and elements, including but not limited to, dogs in a secure fenced-in yard, dogs in kennels, or dogs tied out or tethered and dogs shall be considered outside regardless of whether it has access to a doghouse or similar structure.
(3) It shall be unlawful for any owner to tether a dog outside unless the dog has easy access to:
A. Food, water, and shade in the summer
B. Adequate protection from the elements such as wind, snow, rain, and wind chill factors.
(4) The dog shall be periodically monitored while tethered for the aforementioned period of time.