Paper by PETA Science Group and Feds Aims to Accelerate the Acceptance of Human-Relevant Toxicity Tests
For Immediate Release:
September 6, 2022
Tasgola Bruner 202-483-7382
Toxicity testing methods grounded in human biology can be used to predict what will happen when humans are exposed to chemicals. The acceptance of these methods has been slow, but a new paper coauthored by scientists from PETA Science Consortium International e.V. and U.S. government agencies offers a framework to facilitate the use and regulatory acceptance of robust, modern toxicity tests.
The paper, titled “A Framework for Establishing Scientific Confidence in New Approach Methodologies” and published in Archives of Toxicology, builds on previous work and shows how to shift to more reliable and relevant non-animal methods. The authors conclude that gaining scientific confidence can accelerate regulatory acceptance and increase industry use.
Regulatory agencies around the world require that any new toxicity testing method be evaluated for its scientific usefulness before it can be used by companies and regulators. That has led to the routine practice of measuring the accuracy of new tests by directly comparing their results with those of tests on animals—developed in the previous century—many of which are not reliable or relevant to humans.
“A streamlined framework to evaluate new toxicity testing methods based on how well they reflect human biology would allow faster implementation of the best science and replace the use of flawed animal tests,” says Science Consortium President Dr. Amy Clippinger. “Shifting focus to reliable, human-relevant science would result in improved protection of human health.”
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