
Pacific Grove, California

  • All dogs and cats are required to be spayed or neutered unless the guardian obtains an unaltered dog permit.
  • There is a licensing differential of $7.50 for a spayed or neutered animal and $30 for an unaltered animal.
  • Impoundment fees for licensed and spayed or neutered dogs are waived; licensed, unaltered dogs may be waived if the guardian signs an agreement to spay or neuter the dog within 10 days.
  • Guardians who wish to breed their dog or cat may purchase a breeder’s permit, which allows no more than one litter per adult female per year. Guardians who wish to produce more than one litter each year may apply for a commercial breeder’s permit.

Ord. 10.04.100 (1) Licensed and Sterilized Dogs. For a currently licensed dog that has been sterilized, the reclaiming owner shall be granted a waiver from the impoundment fee for the first-time impoundment of the dog. (2) Licensed Dogs, Unsterilized. For a licensed but unsterilized dog, the first-time impoundment fee and unsterilized dog fee may be waived at the request of the reclaiming owner provided that, prior to release of the dog, the “Delivery to Veterinarian” procedure, as defined in subsection (d), is followed.

Ord. 10.04.100 (3) (d) Delivery to Veterinarian Procedure. The owner shall volunteer the animal for sterilization and deposit the requisite fee with a licensed veterinarian. In return, the veterinarian shall provide the owner with a receipt certifying that sterilization of the animal has been paid for and scheduled or that health considerations preclude sterilization. Upon presentation of such receipt and certification to the holding agency, the animal shall be released to the owner. Sterilization under this procedure shall take place no later than ten days after release … In the event of failure to meet the appropriate deadline, the deposit shall be forfeited, and after deducting reasonable costs, the veterinarian shall return the remainder to the city or its designee for educational purposes related to pet sterilization programs.

Ord. 10.18.010 Sterilization of Adopted Animals–Fees. (a) No unsterilized dog or cat shall be released by the city or its designee for adoption unless the adopter first follows the “Delivery to Veterinarian” procedure.

Ord. 10.16.040 Breeding. (1) The requirement for a breeding permit may be waived if, on the first occasion of such birth, the litter is delivered to the S.P.C.A. for humane disposition, the owner has the parent animal sterilized, and proof of such actions is provided to the city or its designated representative. (4) Permits shall apply to no more than one litter per adult female per year regardless of litter size, except as follows: Owners wishing to produce litters at a rate higher than one per year may be issued a commercial breeding permit upon completion of the appropriate application and payment of the fee established by resolution of the council. The commercial breeding permit is not subject to the single litter limitation.

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