Westchester County, New York
Sec. 681.02 – Restrictions on tethering
1. It shall be unlawful for any responsible party to tether a dog to any stationary object outdoors or cause such dog to be restrained in a manner that:
(a) Restricts such dog’s access to suitable and sufficient food, potable water and dry ground;
(b) Does not provide such dog with shelter appropriate to its breed, physical condition, and the climate as defined by § 353-b of the New York State Agriculture and Markets Law;
(c) Unreasonably limits the movement of such dog to urinate or defecate in a separate area from the area where it must eat, drink or lie down;
(d) Exposes such dog to animal waste, garbage, noxious odors, taunting, prodding, provoking, hitting, or harassing that could injure or kill the dog; or
(e) Enables such dog to move outside of the property to which it is otherwise properly tethered.
2. No responsible party shall tether a dog to any stationary object outdoors unless they remain on the premises where the dog is tethered.
3. No responsible party shall tether a dog to any stationary object outdoors if such dog is:
(a) Less than six months of age;
(b) Sick or injured; or
(c) A nursing mother whose offspring are present.
4. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in this chapter, no responsible party shall tether a dog to any stationary object outdoors:
(a) During a weather alert; or
(b) Between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
Sec. 681.03. – Restrictions on types of tethering devices.
1. No responsible party shall tether a dog to any stationary object or to a mobile device including, but not limited to, a trolley or pulley by means of a tether that:
(a) Does not allow such dog to walk at least ten feet;
(b) Does not have swivels on both ends to prevent twisting, tangling, choking, the impairment of the flow of oxygen or blood to the dog or substantial discomfort to the dog;
(c) Is a coat hanger, choke collar, prong-type collar, head halter or any other collar, halter or device that is not specifically designed or properly fitted for the restraint of such dog;
(d) Has weights attached, contains metal chain links more than one-quarter of an inch thick, weighs more than 15 pounds or more than 12.5% of the dog’s total body weight;
(e) Is embedded, partially embedded or may become embedded in such dog’s skin; or
(f) Allows such dog to reach an object, including, but not limited to, a window sill, edge of a pool, fence, porch or terrace railing that poses a substantial risk of injury or strangulation to such dog if such dog jumps over such object, unless a person is in the presence of such dog.