Chatham County, Georgia
Dogs may not be tethered to a fixed point such that its normal needs are not met.
§22-102 Definitions. The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and enforcement of this chapter:
9.Tethering- the prohibited act of causing an animal to be affixed to a stationary object in such a manner that its normal behaviors and needs are not met or affixed in any manner that limits an animal’s access to food and water. Tethering is not the act of securing an animal to more than one stationary object which allows for movement and access to food and water.
§22-206 Tethering. It shall be unlawful for anyone to tether a dog as defined herein. The Animal Services Officer is authorized to seize any dog so confined and impound the dog as if it were found at large. The same fees, fines and restrictions shall apply to the dog before it can be returned to the owner. An overhead run designed for natural and sufficient movement within a confined space that contains water and food is not considered tethering.