People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals


Protesters Urge the Pope to Denounce Bull Torture
Protesters Urge the Pope to Denounce Bull Torture

Concerned animal protectors gathered outside the Blessing of the Animals service at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Boston to call on the pope to stop blessing bullfighters and bullfights.

Ethiopian Airlines’ Monkey Imports Prompt PETA Uproar at Embassy in D.C.
Ethiopian Airlines’ Monkey Imports Prompt PETA Uproar at Embassy in D.C.

Protesters gathered in front of Ethiopia’s U.S. embassy to urge officials to end Ethiopian Airlines’ transport of endangered long-tailed macaques to U.S. laboratories. Learn more at

Protester Arrested at ASPCA Event Over Factory Farm Endorsement
Protester Arrested at ASPCA Event Over Factory Farm Endorsement

In New York City, PETA’s “pig” demanded that ASPCA leaders resign from the board of directors of Global Animal Partnership, which enables factory farmers to slap deceptive “animal welfare certified” labels on their products. Learn more at

PETA Supporters Bring ‘The Storm’ to Fortnite Milk Cup Over Dirty Dairy Sponsorship
PETA Supporters Bring ‘The Storm’ to Fortnite Milk Cup Over Dirty Dairy Sponsorship

Protesters converged outside The Milk Cup LAN Fortnite Championship in Los Angeles to blast the event’s partnership with the cruel, environmentally destructive, and anti-female dairy industry.

Protesters Gather at Gruesome Animal Experimentation Summit
Protesters Gather at Gruesome Animal Experimentation Summit

PETA members urged University of Washington animal tormentors Elizabeth Buffalo and Michele Basso to stop torturing monkeys and pivot to conducting superior, non-animal research instead. Help close the Washington National Primate Research Center at

Cupcake and Shugga Celebrate Sweet Reunions
Cupcake and Shugga Celebrate Sweet Reunions

PETA’s fieldworkers doubled as free taxi drivers for Cupcake, Shugga, and other dogs in North Carolina by giving them door-to-door rides to and from their spay or neuter procedures.

Herd of ‘Animals’ in Hong Kong Protest Against Animal Abuse
Herd of ‘Animals’ in Hong Kong Protest Against Animal Abuse

PETA Asia met in front of the Consulate General of Egypt in Hong Kong to urge officials to end horse and camel rides in Giza, where often-injured animals are forced to lug tourists under the blazing sun. Take action at

Chilling Virtual Reality Experience Brings Close Encounters to Eastern Kentucky University
Chilling Virtual Reality Experience Brings Close Encounters to Eastern Kentucky University

peta2—part of PETA’s youth division—brought Abduction, an award-winning virtual reality experience that encourages empathy for animals suffering in laboratories, including those at universities, to the Kentucky campus.

‘Catmonger’ Serves Up ‘Dead Cats’ as Reminder That Eating Fish Is No Different
© Josh Wong
‘Catmonger’ Serves Up ‘Dead Cats’ as Reminder That Eating Fish Is No Different

Protesters challenged speciesism in Queensland, Australia, by showing passersby that all lives are valuable, not just those of animals who sit in our laps and are showered with love.

‘Crying Elephant’ Crashes Shrine Circus Over Bullhook Beatings
‘Crying Elephant’ Crashes Shrine Circus Over Bullhook Beatings

As part of a multicity tour, PETA members rallied at Shrine circus stops across Texas, pushing clubs to get with the times by taking animals out of their shows.

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