Alicia Silverstone Urges Fans to Ditch Down
Vegan beauty Alicia Silverstone uncovers the cruelty of the down industry, in which many birds have their feathers yanked out while they are still alive. Watch to learn more, and please join Alicia in buying only down-free products.
Ready to stream “The Baldwins” on TLC? Find out how the famous family has helped PETA speak up for animals!
Just in time for Valentine’s Day, “Love Island USA” superstar Leah Kateb is using her platform to speak up for a cause close to her heart: adoption. Check it out!
PETA is the talk of the catwalk at New York Fashion Week. Find out how PETA is reminding big brands that a look can kill without killing anyone.
PETA’s new three-part ad series features a trio of gangsters who are far more enlightened than typical wiseguys.