Celebrities Who Won’t Be Eating Turkey on Thanksgiving

Who eats turkey on Thanksgiving?! Not these compassionate vegetarian celebrities, who have made the choice not to gobble down something that used to … gobble. PETA has a ton of free vegan holiday recipes that will help you celebrate a delicious holiday and give turkeys something to be thankful for.

Sarah Silverman

Danielle Brooks

Maggie Q

Maggie Q Anti-Fur ad - English text

Milo Ventimiglia

Edie Falco

Woody Harrelson

Alicia Silverstone

Alicia Silverstone PSA (Nude)

Mayim Bialik

Casey Affleck

Kyrie Irving

Peter Dinklage

Peter Dinklage blue suit

Ariana Grande


Joaquin Phoenix

Michelle Pfeiffer

Johnny Galecki

Jenna Dewan Tatum

Josh Hutcherson

Jared Leto

Natalie Portman

Ruby Rose & Laverne Cox

Join these celebrities in being a star for animals by leaving
turkey off your plate this Thanksgiving. Which meatless dishes will you be making this holiday season?

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