Thanks to PETA Australia, new requirements from Australia’s National Health and Medical Research Council could make that country the first to end a cruel test on animals.
After a push from PETA, the university joins the growing list of schools and pharmaceutical companies that have sworn off the worthless forced swim test, in which small animals are made to swim for their lives.
This investigator still sees cows’ faces in every leather boot, bag, and jacket. Watch PETA Australia’s new video exposing the live-export industry and take action today.
How much do you know about the lives—and the deaths—of sheep used for clothing? PETA Australia’s new site sets the record straight.
The school joins a growing number of companies and universities that have banned this junk-science experiment, in which small animals must swim for their lives, after hearing from PETA and PETA Australia.
See how PETA Australia lawyers are helping horses on a small island and how it may lead to earth-shattering effects around the world.
New Zealand has made the compassionate move to ban the live export of millions of animals, a journey that is fraught with illness and death. Now, all eyes are on Australia to follow suit.
The University of Adelaide declared that it would stop subjecting mice and other animals to the cruel forced swim test after hearing from PETA and Humane Research Australia.
After Prime Minister Scott Morrison called puzzles “essential,” PETA Australia sent him a customized jigsaw puzzle to piece together the best way to avoid future animal-borne illnesses.
As people continue to panic-buy toilet paper amid fears of a coronavirus outbreak, PETA Australia is preparing to come to the rescue by handing out free toilet paper printed with an important message.
They may have spent their whole lives in confinement, but these monkeys obviously still yearn for freedom.
Many of the tourists who go to Pamplona to run with the bulls have no idea what happens to the animals afterwards.
RSPCA inspectors in New South Wales have uncovered the bodies of nine dead greyhounds buried on the property of registered racing trainer in Western Sydney.
Australia’s biggest sheep exporter is currently banned from loading any sheep on to ships.
Animal milk has long been claimed as the go-to source of calcium by the dairy industry, but as it turns out, milk is bad for you.