(Photos) It’s NOT Raining Cats and Dogs, Thanks to PETA’s Spay-a-Thon

Published by Jennifer Bates.
3 min read

It’s World Spay Day, and PETA celebrated in the best way possible: by hosting our annual Spay-a-Thon event!

It was a cold, soggy day, but the intermittent rain was no match for the steady stream of animal guardians who flowed into the parking lot at PETA’s Norfolk, Virginia, headquarters, the Sam Simon Center. And it’s no wonder why—in commemoration of PETA’s 35 years of saving animals, surgical appointments for dogs were only $35, and cat appointments were free.

This event is crucial to reducing animal homelessness in the Hampton Roads region. And by the end of the day, our hardworking clinic staff had performed an astounding 122 surgeries. This means that in the first two months of 2016, we’ve already spayed or neutered 2,091 animals (including 209 pit bulls and 63 feral cats) and prevented countless puppies and kittens from being born into a world without enough good homes for them.

Here are just a few of our satisfied clients:

Spay Day 2016
Spay Day 2016
Spay Day 2016
Spay Day 2016
Spay Day 2016
Spay Day 2016
Spay Day 2016
Spay Day 2016

If you live in southeastern Virginia or northeastern North Carolina and are kicking yourself for missing out on PETA’s Spay-a-Thon, well, you’re in luck! Throughout March, we will continue to offer $35 spay/neuter surgeries for dogs and—to commemorate the 15th anniversary of PETA’s mobile clinic units—$15 spay/neuter surgeries for cats.

Since 2001, PETA’s mobile clinics have spayed or neutered more than 123,000 animals, thereby preventing hundreds of thousands of unwanted puppies and kittens from being born, only to be abandoned, neglected, or abused. Because we offer free spay/neuter surgeries for all pit bulls and also provide indigent clients’ companion animals with free emergency veterinary care, the clinics operate at a loss. You can help us keep on truckin’ by supporting the clinics with a donation today.

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