3 Simple Steps for Placing an Animal Rights Billboard

PETA places eye-catching billboards in cities all over the United States and Canada. However, we aren’t able to put them in every town, so we depend on dedicated individuals like you who are willing to pay to have one placed in their cities in order to create change for animals.

If you’re interested in having an animal rights billboard in your city, here are three simple steps to take:

1. Contact the billboard company. With a quick online search, you can find your town’s local billboard companies. Give them a call or send an e-mail and find out what locations they have available, how much the billboards cost, and what kind of restrictions they have regarding billboard content.

LA billboard

2. Pick one of PETA’s outdoor ads (or design your own). PETA has designed tons of billboards over the years, but we’re not always able to continue using the same images and designs. Check out what we currently have available. If you want to run one of these designs in your area, then get approval from your contact at the billboard company and e-mail us at [email protected].

Anti-wool billboard above PETA

3. Get the image specs and sign the paperwork! Once the billboard company has approved the design, you will be asked to sign a contract specifying how long the billboard will be up. Then you will need to pay for it and submit the final print design. Ask the billboard company how it needs the image file sized, then e-mail us and we’ll submit the PETA design for you! If you’ve decided to create your own design, then you’ll need to format the image according to the company’s specifications and submit it.

Thankgsiving Turkey Dog Billboard Closer

4. Smile as thousands of people drive by your lifesaving animal rights billboard! OK, so this last one isn’t really a step, but we had to include it. 🙂

Morrissey and Vegetarian Billboard

Inspired to help animals? Contact [email protected] to get started!

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