Could You Spend One Minute in a Hen’s World?
Have you ever gotten that “caged animal” feeling? Now everyone who uses the elevator at PETA’s Norfolk, Virginia office, and PETA’s office in Los Angeles, the Bob Barker Building, will have it, thanks to our new elevator experience that gives visitors the feeling of being chickens inside a battery cage on an egg factory farm.
Surrounded by photos of cage bars and suffering chickens, the rider can read the writing on the wall: “Imagine being trapped in this elevator for life with no room to turn around. That’s how a caged hen feels. Please, for chickens’ sake, join us by going vegan.”
Our hope is that as the elevator begins to move, visitors will be moved to think about the fact that each hen on an egg farm is shoved into a cage with five to 11 other hens and not enough room even to spread her wings. Part of her beak, filled with nerve endings, will be cut off with a searing-hot blade. When her egg production wanes, she’ll be violently killed.
Hopefully, after their elevator ride, visitors who still eat eggs will choose to take the steps … the steps leading to a more compassionate lifestyle.
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