Take Action for Animals in 5 Minutes or Less!

Getting involved in animal rights activism doesn’t need to be some huge endeavor that takes days, weeks, or months to prepare for—there are so many little things we can do each day to take action for animals in 5 minutes or less! And the best part is that you can put all the following ideas into action from the comfort of your own home.

Reach Out to Publications and Local Government Officials

  • Write a letter to the editor. Keep an eye out for cases of animal exploitation and for current issues involving animals. Then write in support of animal rights to your school newspaper or to the editor of the magazines you read. Your letter could be seen by thousands of people.
  • Express your disapproval to film and TV producers whose work contains speciesist characters who abuse or ridicule animals, and keep the TV network or film production company looped in as well.
  • Call or write newspapers and sponsors that run inappropriate ads for SeaWorld or other exploitative businesses and let them know that you don’t approve.

Use Social Media

  • Post on the social media pages of companies—such as Victoria’s Secret and MAC—that still pay for sickeningly cruel tests on animals in laboratories. A little public outrage can go a long way.
  • Share pictures of your delicious vegan food on social media. People can be surprised by delectable-looking vegan food.
  • Tweet legislators asking them to support animal-friendly legislation. And be sure to thank them for any ways they’ve supported animal rights in the past.
  • Tweet thank-you notes to politicians, YouTubers, and TV/movie producers who show that they’re animal-friendly. This validates their compassionate choices and gets your followers (and theirs) to think about animal rights issues.
  • Share videos, images, and articles about animal issues on social media. Post graphic footage from inside slaughterhouses, heartwarming videos of pigs playing together, articles about animals’ intelligence, vegan recipes and tutorials—whatever you think will help get the message across. You never know who may be looking.

Reach Out to Venues

  • Send letters via snail mail or e-mail to restaurants, grocery stores, airlines, concert venues—any places you can think of that sell food—and ask them to carry more vegan options. They might actually listen, because companies want to make money—if they think customers want to buy something, they’ll likely try to sell it to them.
Contact, In-N-Out, Outreach, Vegan Options, Burgers, Demand
  • Call venues planning to host spectacles like circuses, petting zoos, and rodeos and voice your concern for the animals being exploited. (Look for ads in your local paper or online.)

Get Creative

Tinder, Tiger selfies, Outreach, Activism
  • Rename your Wi-Fi network or hot spot using an animal-friendly message, like “Go Vegan.”
  • Jazz up your e-mail signature with an animal rights quote or a link to a video.

These are just a few ways you can quickly and easily take action for animals in 5 minutes or less without lifting anything other than a couple of fingers. Opportunities to speak up for animals are everywhere. You can also easily take action in your day-to-day life outside the house.

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