Honk if You Love Geese! 8 Facts That Will Make You Ditch Down

So you think you know geese? Take a gander at these surprising facts. You won’t believe what a 1-day-old bay goose can do!

Experimenters Remain in the Dark Ages Despite Technology’s Constant Evolution

Today, we hold powerful computers in the palm of our hand—but experimenters are still using monkeys in archaic experiments. Research must keep up.

A Century of Suffering: 10 Gruesome Experiments on Animals From the Last 100 Years

Pfizer injects horses with snake venom? PETA is listing (just) 10 examples of gruesome experiments on animals from the last 100 years that will shock you.

What Are the Disadvantages of Animal Testing? PETA Blows the Lid off Laboratory Cruelty

Why are beagles used so often in animal testing? Are there any benefits to it? What are the disadvantages? Here’s why animal testing is not only unethical but also completely unnecessary.

24 Mind-Blowing Facts About Fish, the Superior Beings Swimming in Seas and Streams

Fish are superior beings with an amazing array of skills that rival those of any comic book’s superhero. Check out these fish facts.

Beauty With a Vegan Purpose—Meet the 69th Miss Universe!

She is beauty, she is grace, and she is vegan Miss Outer Space! The 69th Miss Universe, Andrea Meza, is speaking up for animals—and PETA is here for it!

© Instagram.com/andreamezamx
Animal Companions
VICTORY: Disney’s ‘Cruella’ Tells Audiences to Visit Their Local Animal Shelter

You know how people sometimes applaud at the end of a movie? Well, the credits to “Cruella” deserve a standing ovation. The film shows up its prequel with this PETA-suggested disclaimer.

‘The Dark Hobby’ Sheds Light on What the ‘Pet’ Fish Trade Is Doing to Hawaii’s Ocean

Aquarium hobbyists are decimating wildlife—fueling a demand for live fish abducted from their natural homes to be relegated to tanks, where they often die after a short time.

I Was a Scientist at the WaNPRC—Here’s What I Witnessed

For years, this scientist worked at the WaNPRC. Now, she works for PETA. Find out what made her leave the primate research lab.

Stopping By the Circus? PETA Lists Big-Top Hubs That Ban Wild-Animal Acts

Eager to know about places that ban wild-animal acts in circuses? PETA spotlights many of them and applauds compassionate entertainment.

12 Elephants Recover From Ringling in Safe Habitat

For 12 elephants, the days of being exploited by Ringling for entertainment are behind them. See how they’re doing in their vast new habitat!

PETA Pays Students Who Create Alternatives to Animal Use

PETA is awarding prizes of $1,000 to $10,000 to current university students who come up with a game-changing idea and a specific action plan to help animals.

Is a Snake a ‘Starter Pet’? No—Here’s Why

Thinking of buying a “pet” snake? Let us save you some time—don’t. Here’s why snakes don’t belong in your home as “pets.”

NowThis Presents ‘The Face of Fashion Is Fear,’ a Mini-Doc About PETA’s Battle With Urban Outfitters

“The Face of Fashion Is Fear,” PETA’s campaign to demand that Urban Outfitters drop animal-derived clothing, is featured in a new mini-documentary. Watch today on NowThis!

Kim Kowdashian? PETA India Names Rescued Cow After Reality Star

PETA India named a rescued cow after Kim Kardashian for Mother’s Day, to thank the mom of four for showing compassion to moms of all species by promoting a dairy-free diet.

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