URGENT: Speak Out Against the Roundup of Miami Ducks!

The Lakeridge community in Miami is a friendly neighborhood that has lived peacefully with the ducks who reside at its lake. However, the Lakeridge Townhomes Homeowners Association (HOA) reportedly has plans to have the duck population drugged, rounded up, and hauled away to be killed.

PETA immediately contacted decisionmakers, apprising them of the cruelty of removal initiatives as well as their futility, since remaining animals will be prompted to breed at accelerated rates and newcomers will inevitably arrive for the still-available resources, but our letters and phone calls have gone unanswered. According to our sources, the cruelty is in full effect, so your voices are needed, too!

Please politely urge HOA officials to leave these animals alone. If reducing their numbers is insisted upon, then humane control measures, which are lastingly effective for all waterfowl, should be employed.

Please e-mail Cynthia Greene, the president of the Lakeridge Townhomes HOA, at [email protected] and the association’s board members:

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